Opinions, are like Noses, Roses and Butt Holes in that anyone has at least 
one.  People like me have several, as I have both a nose, a rose and yes a butt 

You have to ask yourself whether you want to keep this air mattress or not.  
If you
don't wish to keep it, now is a good time and reason to return the item.  If 
you wish
to keep it, its time to sharpen your wit and be prepared to negotiate a 
settlement with the seller who has poor record keeping practices.
Granted, you did your part.  More than once. You really didn't have to, but 
you did.  Had you not, the company would have been out a lot more than just the 
money.  I hope that you can convince them of that and hope they will reduce 
the amount substantially, of your perceived debt.
The seller committed no act of deception.  Its book keeping methods need 
improvement as you are not the only one, I'm sure.
You also agreed to a business contract in October of 2004.  One of the many 
terms to that contract was the authorization from you to remove $1500 from your 
debit account within a reasonable amount of time.  Reasonable Time could be 
12 months by some business standards, but I haven't seen your contract to judge.
You also, knowingly, allowed another business to debit your account within a 
90 day period of $1500 that you contracted with another business to withdraw.  
Hence, in some areas of the United States, you could be charged with 
conspiracy to commit a fraud.  That is akin to write two checks for 1500 
dollars when 
you knew that you only had 1500 dollars in the account.
You better be prepared to settle this as best as you can.  Otherwise, if this 
case should end up in my court room, you could, end up, doing some hard time.
Be smart, pay up or end up on Court TV.
May you do well.

In a message dated 4/28/05 3:54:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< You guys give me your take on this. Last October i ordered an air mattress 
online for $1500. I paid with my debit card. When I got my bank statement it 
showed they had debited me only $2.07. I called them and they thanked me 
profusely. After a few days I checked my account. Another $2.07!. I called 
them a total of three time each time receiving assurances of a corrected 
account. Never happened. In december my van broke down and I had to use the 
$1500. I also cancelled my debit card.
Now, six months later, they call me wanting payment. I am furious. Now I 
have to take out a loan. i haven't done so yet. I am awaiting their next 

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