Hi Stuntman,
It was real nice of you to say that to Carol.  Don't mean to embarrass you, because I agree with you, but I wanted to say nice going.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

Stuntman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You're one heck of a mom.
Don't forget it.

> It's really hard to find a good caregiver. I have gotten so I don't
hire anyone with small children, a lot of times they use thas as an
excuse to call in. Also I request they have a dependable car and their
own phone...and live in this county. I have them fill out an
application and I interview them , let them know what their duties will
be, then I take them to meet John. NOW this is important...I watch
closely to how they interact with him...how much attention they pay to
him...if they touch him or not. You can't have someone working for you
that is more interested in his possessions than him. also same goes
true for the dog and cat we have. They should primarily focus on the
patient, if they don't then they are not the person for th! e job. I have
had to install a security system to keep a watch on him and them. They
don't know it is in place but he does.
> I have caught them logging in the wrong time they came in, putting
down that they did his exercises when in fact they did not do so. One
girl left him in the middle of they day, she walked off the job leaving
him with the rails down and him laying in a wet bed because she was too
lazy to change the bed after his condom came off. the list goes on and
on of what can go wrong.
> Now I don't pay them the first week they work, I hold back a
week...and if they quit without giving a 2 week notice they don't get
paid for 30 days.I checked with the Federal labor dept and this is
> I never knew what being a guardian for someone entailed...so much
paper work..so little time , yet I remain working a full time job on
3rd shift...so that I can keep him at home. I think it is morally wrong
to put a! mute person in a nursing home.
> Carol in KY

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