Hi Nan,
It has been awhile since you've posted so I hope you are healthy and all is well with your family, and with your horses, too!  My mattress overlay doesn't use air but I've used this kind since '87 and I do like the way they work for me.  The Web Site is: http://www.albionsmo.com/pr-spenco-silicore.asp then scroll down to Spenco Bed Pad with Silicore Padding
I hope this helps.  Take care and nice hearing from you!  :-)
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

Hi all ...
I have slept on my stomach on a regular mattress for almost 38 years.   I am currently having a problem with a sore on one of my knees - an area that I've had trouble with before, so the skin has become as fragile as tissue paper.  Who uses mattress overlays and what do you recommend?  Is an alternating air overlay a good way to go?  Input please!
Thanks much!!

Dare To Dream Miniatures
Home of Multi National Champion:
Buck On's Armando Blues

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