dear group,
ok, so i've gotten a few email from paypal-phishers
asking me to update my info by logging ONTO a paypal
look-alike site.  i clicked and noticed the address
was - not even
close to a paypal address.  i entered totally bogus
info and clicked submit - it accepted my input so i
clicked BACK.  there was my bogus info page so i
clicked ENTER again.  too easy, so now i wrote a
little program to click ENTER and then BACK.  i put it
in a loop for 20,000 runs.  most people who have this
sort of website buy the webpage input from a 3rd party
at some fee per submission.  i've driven a few
phishers out of business like this and these clowns
are next.&! nbsp; there are so many legal and honest ways to
make a living - these guys really torque me off. 

i see the rest of you went to bed early.
sleep tight,
(this was sent saturday night but intercepted by yahoo outgoing mail as 'bulk' mail.  yahoo daddy was protecting you - maybe the personilazation will un-bulk it.)

(what's a quad?)

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