wow, so where does that put me? i would gladly go donate eggs to be used for stem cell research!!! i'm not going to be using them, so why not get something beneficial out of them???

Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 01:50 PM 5/26/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The morality of stem cell research doesn't seem much different than the morality of harvesting body parts from the dead. It would be nice if they wouldn't die, but those embryos that are being destroyed at fertility clinics will be used to help people, or at least try to help mankind. It isn't a proposal to dissect a baby as some people would have you believe.

I consider embryonic stem cell research using embryos from IVF more like harvesting parts from a person in a comma or progressive vegetative state, who previously did not consent to be an organ donor, rather than from the dead because the embryo is living before the stem cells are harvested. That is why I personally am against using embryos "leftover" from IVF. So if Bush vetos the bill which just pasted I'm fine with that.

I think in vitro fertilization treatments, which creates excess human embryos in the first place, should be ban also. If a couple c! an not have baby then it's not meant to be and they can adopt.  You probably consider me someone with "extreme" views.

I am against abortions but don't think it should outlawed either. It should be a rarely considered procedure. I sure don't want it federally funded.

I personally do not have a problem with
somatic cell nuclear transfer. I think an embryo created from somatic cells are just a clump of cells.

Jim Lubin
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Yahoo ID - littlequad

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