Good thinking Carol,
If you find a way to open some eyes let me know if I can help.  What if us all quads and family and friends sign a petition or write a letter with all our signatures, maybe it would make them (Bush) relize just how many votes we represent.  Hell lets get our heads together and think of something before its to late.  There's little quad willing to donate her eggs to help.  Your so sweet!  It should be our choice, hell this is a free country.  If someone like little quad won'ts to donate her left over eggs, who has the right to stop her?  Come on guys, some of you really know how the system works. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 9:03 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] RE: stem cells

In my opinion most of the dilemma is about aborted fetuses. Majority of the people think that these poor little babies are killed and then buried. This is very far from the truth. These fetuses DO NOT get buried. They get INCINERATED and are useless to anyone.
I believe we need to get this fact out in mass publication to the general public. Perhaps then most would change their minds.
I also think we should get out of Iraq and the middle east and use that money towards stem cell research. We need to focus on ourselves instead of war.
Just my thoughts
Carol in KY

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