Hi Stuntman,
I think waiting for proof before doing the research could be a long wait.  I too would like to see our government err on the side of caution in regards to ethics, and not just in funding of research, but government ethics sounds like an oxymoron these days. 
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA


Stuntman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But along with Federal funding comes a lot of extra rules and
Private funded researchers tend to not waste money like their Fedraly
funded counterparts, and can make the most rapid advances.
Once private research has found a proven technology, then the Federal
dollars will flow.
Most medical advances actualy start this way.
IMHO the media is over playing this issue to further the "Progressive
Ideologies" which includes abortion and euthenasia.
While Embryonic stem cells "MIGHT" be the answer, there is no proof
that it is more promising than stem cells harvested from the person
needing treatment.
Until that proof unfolds, I'd rather see our gov err on the side of
caution in regards to ethics.

> Hi Stuntman,
> I understand the difference between PRIVATE and FEDERAL fun! ding for
research. It's kind of like owning a PRIVATE Corvette and not putting
FEDERAL gasoline in it. It will look great in my driveway but won't
get me on the road.
> I hope you had a good Memorial Day!
> With Love,
> CtrlAltDel aka Dave
> C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
> Texas, USA
> Stuntman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Howdy Dave,
> PRIVATE research can still make use of those, it's just not allowed
> under FEDERAL funding.
> I wish the same would be applied to abortions.
> BTW all that money collected by the Reeve's foundation is PRIVATE so
> can make use of those types of stem cell sources.
> Stunt

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