WHEN YOU RESTRICT STUDIES TO A NARROW DEFINITION, it is a ban. If you restrict a study of religion to Christianity, you have effectively banned other religions. The only reason Bush funded stem cell studies was so he could impose ridiculous rules on scientists. This is the kind of thinking that tried to get penicillin banned because it eliminated diseases that god had used to punish people. 25 million dollars is all the government spent to control research in the US. 25 million would buy 1/36 th of a B-2 bomber.
In a message dated 6/1/2005 9:36:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
There isn't any "BAN" on stem cell research, regardless of source.
This issue is being blown out of perspective.
There IS a slippery slope at risk here.
The SC was the ones who ruled in favor of abortion, activist judges
have really slid that one down the slope, the President CAN'T over rule
them. He IS LIMITED to the powers granted to him, even though he has
publicaly stated he is Pro-Life.
While "I" see nothing moraly wrong with using Embryos slated for
destruction, would it slip down to late term abortion fetuses?
That IS the $1,000,000 question.

> Ethics smethics,
> Three forths of the american population doesn't have one dam ethical
bone in their bodies.  Its allright to rape steal commit adultry and
lie, but mention stem cell research and oh hell look out.  All the
ethics start flying out, must be their guilt from all the unethical
things they have done.  What about abortion?  Where is Bush and why
does he look the other way? Where is over half of the american adults ,
notice I didn't say american population.  I bet you'll never find a
child for abortion, but ask a young child with a broken neck if there
is hope for a cure through stem cell research what their thoughts would
be.   Man ill hush its just the subject of stem cell and ethics burns
my ass! 
> Silas
> P.S.  Guess I just opened big big can of night crawlers. 
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