Hi Bobbie,
Thanks for sharing that poem.  It was in '76 that I had my accident and I remember how things looked back then.  Sure have come a long way in what seems a short time.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

Hi All,
    I just stumbled upon this poem that was written about me back in 1976, three years post by a friend who was only 15 at the time. And I wanted to share it with you all.
                                            "A Poem for Bobbie"
        A normal life i will never lead,
        or to walk or run at an average speed.
        I sit in my chair with the wheels on the end,
        resting my legs which will never bend.
        People wonder as they stop and stare,
        how a life like this I could possibly bear.
        But they are to blind to stop and see,
        that living a life, no matter how it be,
        is the greatest joy one can ever know,
        And should not be thought be thought of as only pity and woe.
        The normal people say, as I wonder with surprise,
        that a life is not worth living if you cannot rise.
        In a chair to which I am constantly bound,
        they think love is something I've never found.
        They pity me and i wonder why,
        for it is for them that I sit and cry.
        The "normal" people is what they are called.
        But this is a term to which I am appalled.
        They call theirs a life, and they tend to insist,
        But a life I live, and they only exist.
                                                Carol Scerbo
                                                Age 15
                                                June, 1976

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