Hi QP,
The pharmaceutical companies can't get a patent for a plant... 
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well while you're blaming the Mexicans Washington is spending your tax dollars and giving it to companies like Halliburton and reducing your benefits and your rights.
Their is so much crooked crap going on in Washington it makes me sick.
The federal government just made it illegal for a person's doctor to prescribe medicinal marijuana to aids and cancer victims even though individual states and the majority of Americans think our doctors know what's best for us instead of the feds.
It's strange I can go to my doctor right now and have him prescribe me a morphine patch, Oxycotin, some heroine based medication but not medicinal marijuana.
It seems the pharmaceutical companies have some pull they have drugs that are killing folks but still get them prescribed.
Whens the last time you heard of someone dying by an overdose of marijuana?
But it's illegal even with a prescription from your doctor!
I'm sorry I got off course a little but Mexicans are our problem?
What about health care?
What about Iraq and war profiteering in the sum of 8.8 billion that Washington doesn't seem concerned about and have yet to do any investigation into it and this is nothing recent but they managed to investigate the postal service 8 times since 2003 but nothing on this 8.8 billion to reconstruct Iraq. I bet Halliburton knows where it's at and probably Cheney to since that's his old company. Sound fishy? 
How about the new memos coming out showing Blair and Bush were making plans on invading Iraq 8 months before he announced it and were fabricating intelligence to justify it?
The Mexicans?
How about this crooked administration?
-------Original Message-------
Date: 06/11/05 20:43:11
Subject: [QUAD-L] Sorry
Sorry  you don't see behind the scenes what I see. I see people desperate to stay here no matter what it takes and they are not citizens, not even legal to be here. The bosses look the other way and hire them anyway. They don't even file income taxes in april. They use false social security numbers but Social security doesn't care. They get the money anyway. Most are paid in cash but even the ones that they do take taxes out on don't ever report  their earning but then a lot of Americans don't either.
I guess you and me never will see eye to eye on a lot of things.

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