Hi Carol,
I am lost so I hope Dana's CNA (it was her I think) has started showing up, and you're doing okay with yours, too.  Dang, this SCI stuff sucks! 
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

I didn't write this the way it looks:
The following part was written by someone else and I replied to it.
" Guess what my CNA didn't show and they can't find her. So I'm sitting here in my night gown. Has anyone has this happen to you. What do you do?"
I wrote this answer:
This is why we keep more than one caregiver and divide up the hours among them. Then if one can't show up we can call one of the others.
We don't depend on agencies for help or we'd never get any help. We hire privately from the newspaper and get the burned out workers from the agencies.

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