June and July aren't much fun outside here in Phoenix.  By August we are coming down through 105 degrees with 65% humidity.  That's not a lot of fun outside but it is more tolerable than the 115 stuff in J & J.   January and February are chilly at 40 degrees and rainy but the sun is out more often than not.  The snow and ice cured me of Michigan.  A few frost bit fingers and shivering most of the winter just wasn't worth it to me.  So I loaded up the truck and headed to Bever-Phoenix.  I don't envy you easterners.



In a message dated 7/14/2005 5:43:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I'm fine with 2 super-hot months to get 10 beautiful months.
2 months isn't bad, I thought you guys were stuck inside like 3-4 mos. I like Ohio nights. I like the changing seasons too. The snow now is a different story. I love it for Christmas & no use for it after that.

(what's a quad?)

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