Hi Stunt,
I don't like to be used by others for them to make money, either.  The site I gave lists lawsuits filed, so if Mr. Moore settled before the suit was actually filed, it wouldn't be listed.
As far a any lawsuit being filed against Mr. Eastwood just because he has money, the outcome of any lawsuit is determined on its merits.  That's the way our legal system works.  It may not be perfect, but it is better than most people on the earth live under. 
I do understand that while Google doesn't retrieve everything, but do a quick check and you'll find the sites run as much against Mr. Moore's movie as for it.  I think a fair reading would give both sides of the issues you say the media ignores.  I'm not a tabloid reader so I'll take your word on their coverage, but both sides of the issue are in print.   
If I am not allowed to visit a resort for the simple reason that I don't live in the community it is in, that is wrong.  Either AB or a person with a wheelchair should have that right.  If I am not able to get into a court room or Federal building, then they are doing the same wrong.  But two wrongs don't make it right.  Change must be made across the board.  In the 'Left' and in the 'Right.'  To stand against change for what is right, is wrong for both sides, AND the middle! 
IMHO -- If we as a Country are not moving forward, we are moving in the wrong direction, and all the effort that you and your fellow Veterans give to this Country would be lost.  I pray that never happens.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA   

Your Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Moore settled that one out of court very quickly. It is difficult to
find any mention of it (due to extreme limited coverage) and having
changed my HD, I no longer have the org link. But it was to a Colorado
newspaper (local story) with a headline something like; "Local victim
from Columbine sueing Film Maker of Bowling for Columbine" (to the best
of my recollection).
Google doesn't retrieve everything, and while I can recall the gist of
the name of the article it has been a while (when the movie first

The person who wrote what you're calling an article, wrote an opinion
piece. To give it any more legitimacy would be a mistake. If anyone has
a vandetta, the writer should look into a mirror.
As far as my leftist media reference, I was talking about all the
tabloids that fawn over the meathead moores of the world,! and not
holding them to the same standards as those they crucify whom they
don't agree with. The Acadamey has shamed itself for calling Bowling
for Columbine a Documentory and the honoring it as the worlds best for
that year. And where was the leftist press??? Honoring him instead of
exposing him as a fraud.

As for Eastwoods desire to maintain the style of his resturaunt... do
you think it is highly likely that he was targeted just because he is a
celeberity and somebody smelled money?
Personaly I find that offensive.
To try to tie it to his motive for making the movie is also offensive.
You see, I don't like being used.
IMHO there are too many lawyers making themselves rich using us.
And we have more important issues than forcing someone who doesn't even
have a quad living in his small community to meet ADA standards when
many of our courts and Federal buildings have that same fault.
Sometimes a molehill isn't important.!
And no, this wasn't about endorseing Eastwood, my opinion was towards
the motivation and conclusion of the writer.
IMHO BS is BS and it doesn't do any org good to spread it.
Instead of accusations w/o merit, a simple critique would have sufficed.
We need allies not enemies.
Personally I liked the movie and if I'd suffered that high an injury, a
friend who came to visit me 2 mo into rehab would have been asked to
keep his promise made when I first became a stuntman.

> Hi Stunt,
> When you say this is an "opinion," if you're referring to the
term "Vendetta" used in the title of the article, then I agree, that is
an opinion. Mr. Eastwood's legal issues with the State of CA is a
matter of public record.

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