It sounds like you have an over worked state worker who was grasping at 
straws and yes, you should have been reimbursed for that loss.  Life is a great 
teacher.  Slow at
times, but ever present.

In a message dated 8/3/05 9:28:56 PM, Quietstream25322 writes:

<< Well I heard most all envelope stuffing was i pretty  much 
knew........But what do you do when you STATE VOCATIONAL WORKER tells you  to 
spend the money they know its not a scam ??  LOL  but they should  of payed 
me back because I was very wary of it to begin with,  Since that  time I have 
been told that MOST ALL the money up front work from home jobs are  SCAMS.  
They prey on the poor and needy is what is sad.



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