All those that use Credit Cards online for purchases,
I was givin this web address by a Trusted Friend.
You can use this address to contact vendors by
their IP. addresses to order stuff or do your online
Banking with more confidence. Some may already
know this site, I thought I would pass on a good
thing to the Friends I've met here on the Quad-List
and other places too.
Here is the address:
Once you go to the site you type in your Bank
name or the Vendors name and scroll down
to highlight the IP. address and paste it into
your address bar of your browser. Then wa la
there is your place you want to be.
Thanks for reading this even though might
already know of it. Those that didn't know
I hope it will help you.
Chet   ( Cquad7 )   C-6 incomplete C-7 complete 

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