is the cell cover in satin with a cable, plasm tv, wireless connection, telephone etc???

Chet Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 *LOL* Amye  ( LittleQuad ),  If you get arrested for showing your booty,
 I have a "Get Out of Jail" card from a Monopoly Game I can
send You or have You tranfered to my home cell if You like?
Grinning from ear to ear.
Chet  ( Cquad7 )  C-6/7
wait wait - i wasn't offering LOL i think that would have me arrested!

Chet Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I really didn't want to touch this subject of airing out in butt's but,
if there is someone wanting to show what they got, I'm not the one
to stand in that persons way !!!  Laughing.....  If I am wrong so be it,
still we aught to explain how this got started?
 So who's the one wanting to show booty first? .... *LOL*
Cquad7  C-6/7   ( Chet )      Rules:  Woman Only Please though !!!!

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