It was a bit of a reality check for us here too, and that's putting it mildly especially when they treied doing it again 2 weeks later! I can understand what you mean, as it was the same when 9/11 took place.  It's only when you know someone who's affected or potentially affected that it truely hits home. 
So many people here do nothing but slag of Londoners, but the bombers allowed us to prove that actually the majority of Londoners are caring and considerate people.  I've always been proud to say I'm a Londoner, now I feel honoured to say that it was fellow Londoners who helped each other out and showed nothing but courageous acts and emmense support to the injuried when tragedy struck our capital.  It's to those people and the victims who got caught up in it all that I have the upmost respect for
Love Sarah xxx
In a message dated 07/08/2005 13:54:10 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I for one am glad that you were not there. It's so scary to think that this can happen but then to have someone I know to be there or that close makes it hit home for real.  Nothing I can do but pray that these bombings stop  I'm glad your safe,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Surgery

In a message dated 27/07/2005 22:23:00 GMT Standard Time,  

Hi Smurf,

I will  say a prayer for you so your surgery will go well.  Take care  of 
yourself and stay strong.  Is the 'Tube' wheelchair   accessible?  If so
to keep your eyes open and your head   down!

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years  Post
Texas, USA 

Hi  Dave,

How are you?   hope  your well!  thankfully I didn't have to go anywhere near

London so I was  well out of danger.  Although having said that,  one of the
stations that  was evacuated - London Victoria is the  station at the end of
that  Sittingbourne (my home town) is  on.  Pretty scary to think that
Victoria  is in central  London.  Only some of the tube stations have
access,  although I think the bombings proves the point that should anything 
that happened again, God forbid, and there was a disabled on board,  there 
be no way of getting the disabled out of the train  safely.  That's  the UK
for you!

Wanna know something  more  scary though?  If I had got to the GB squad
and got  in, on the day  of the bombings I would've been at Kings Cross
station  around the time that  the explosion happened......

Take  care,

Love Smurf  xxx

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