If it has been pre approved it shouldnt be a problem for the new DVR councilor to go over. With you already having a van they should completely fund/grant the modifications at no cost to you without to much hassle. You should not have to pay back any $$ for the conversions. The payment options are for a new or used vehicle if you didnt have one prior.
It will go thru.....just keep on them and dont take no for an answer.
----- Original Message -----
From: QuadPirate
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] P.A.S.S.

You need to ask Bob  how it works when you're not working yet because  it's a little confusing on the  money but it shouldn't cost you anything until your PASS is finished.
Call them and ask questions.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 08/08/05 07:32:43
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] P.A.S.S.
That does it for me then.  I in no way can afford another payment of any sort.  It doesn't seem feasible for me.  I have this van still. the money was approved for the modifications with the waiver program and now someone new took over the position and they want to go over it again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Hickey
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 4:09 PM
Subject: Fw: [QUAD-L] P.A.S.S.

Hi Stacy, Mark is correct. You do not have to be working, it just makes the plan much easier to write and justify. From what I understand is if your business plan is solid and you can show income potential then DVR can hold the note. Meaning DVR can purchase the van/modifications and you pay the monthly van payment to them with your earned income.
That is GREAT news Mark!! Let me tell you, the FREEDOM feeling is so amazing.
Sorry I have not posted in so long. Here is a bit of an update.
I have just completed my first official month for my PASS plan as a Professional Archery Instructor. My gross sales were 22 lessons totaling $830.00!! WOOHOO!!
I have been so busy and so happy that I am back to work, I kinda forgot about my 15th quad anniversary on August, 4th!!!!
I'm celebrating LIFE today by having a "fight night party" at my house. On Spike TV this evening, my high school locker partner, Ivan Salaverry is fighting on Ultimate Fighting Championship Live. Tuff matchup as he is fighting a 7 time champion. It should be a blast.
I do have a huge feeling of accomplishment and a renewed zest for life.
One thing that I am personally proud of is dreaming of this mobile coaching idea, planning for it, believing I could do it, convincing others I could do it, having the courage and faith that it would happen, sticking to my guns and making my dreams become reality. 5+ years, 600+ emails, at least 8 revisions of my plan, hundreds of phone calls, miles of red tape later and here I am.....back in the fast lane of life.
It is so tuff to explain the feeling in words, but like Tony once said "it feels like being released from prison".
Bobbie.....if you read this, the one thing I believe you would miss by not waking up one day "Life".
I have it "pretty rough" at work. Just look at this pic of one of my new students in my office.... the view is great from my desk!!!
I love saying....."at work today".... "I'll pick you up".... "lets meet'"......"im driving"...."want me to go get it"....."im leaving" and "hey baby lets go for a ride"  
Im so glad things went smoothly Mark! Way to go.
See ya in the fast lane of Life!! Beep, Beep!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2005 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] P.A.S.S.

Hi QP,

Great news!  Do you have a van in mind that you want?  How long before you'll have enough to buy?  Really happy for you!
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA

QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Awesome news people I just had my PASS plan approved today!
I get to start putting away $500 a month from SS to purchase a new or slightly used van next month.
I encourage everyone to try to put a plan together before they cut these programs so start yours today.

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