Not 7 billion,,, 14 billion for large oil companies. It is only the price for 2 more super carriers the navy hasn't enough men to crew. or 1 more shuttle. Another "big dig'. !4 billion dollars would be wasted by public schools or hospitals. We know it so we will never attempt it. (same logic behind the lack of stem cell research.)
Bush is a great example of why democracy shouldn't be shoved down other people's throats.
In a message dated 8/8/2005 3:34:56 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You said a mouth full.
They just passed the energy bill which gave  7 billion dollars in tax cuts for the largest oil company in the world because they were just going broke I guess!
You know many people could be housed on 7 billion? WOW!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 08/08/05 13:53:39
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Questions People ask us Quads.
You must keep in mind that most states no longer provide asylums and orphanages for such people. Homeless people aren't new, we just officially ignore them instead of taking care of them. I don't think that we should underestimate what the government is willing to cut in the name of lower taxes for the wealthy.
In a message dated 8/7/2005 4:28:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
try this
I went to 125th st. in Harlem/NYC to videotape the exterior of the Apollo Theater and some guy who looked to be living "al fresco" felt he could vent his anger at "the man" by putting 3 pennies by the joystick on my chair. I resisted the natural reaction to brush them away (after all I was not in the position to return his insult) when I moved my chair back for a wider angle, the pennies fell to the ground. About a minute later, a well kept, Sunday-best / hat wearing little 'ol lady stopped to pick up the money with her clean white gloves. You could almost hear her thinking;"find a penny, pick it up........" When my eyes met the idiot who left me the money. There was no need for words. This sent him ranting down the street and screaming about racial persecution, with no concern that his foul language might be offending the other "little 'ol ladies" in ear-shot.
My point is- yeah, the woman at Target was a dweeb, but her heart was in the right place. It's the false concern that is the real insult. Use the incident as a chance to share your perspective so she won't be dweeb again
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Questions People ask us Quads.

one day i was sitting outside of Target, minding my own business, waiting for my mom and some old lady walked up and tried to give me ten dollars.  she looked like she needed it more than me, though. so i declined. 
In a message dated 8/6/2005 12:33:05 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I was in Sams and a kid about 4 years old told his mother he wanted a
'remote control car like that one!'  His mother was horrified and it was
still pretty soon after my leaving rehab so I did not say anything, but did
think it was funny!

Dana and Rocco
----- Original Message -----
From: "QuadPirate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>; "~LittleQuad~"
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Questions People ask us Quads.

Kids crack me up, when my nephew seen me for the first time after my
accident he told me "OK get up it's my turn" I was lmao because it was so
innocent because they just don't know but when kids ask questions they
usually ask more intelligent questions than adults and they have a million
of them on your chair.


-------Original Message-------

From: ~LittleQuad~
Date: 08/02/05 13:41:03
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Questions People ask us Quads.

uniformed for sure, even new docs ask crazy questions... airline lady once
asked if i was going to walk onto plane so they could load my mom
put her hand over my mouth HAHA
I would rather someone asked about why i'm in chair than think i'm just dumb
and assume the worst.. i like the suprise look on their faces when they find
out i wasn't born like this and i can feel things priceless ;)

     At Least Once A Month , people in my neighborhood and at church or etc.
will ask about my injury-------I tell them i'm paralyzed from upper chest
down and a c-6 Quadriplegic from a car wreck on Aug. 3rd 1997.Then they ask
how far can I walk on my own without my powerchair....................Are
most people really this dumb or just uninformed ?

Yahoo ID - littlequad

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