Yes,  that is the name of the procedure.  The chait (c-tube) is the device that is connected to my large intestine.  The only thing is I haven't started using the enema with it yet.  Would Medicare or Medicaid pay for it I wonder since I have something connected to me that would require it.  The saline should be more for rinsing I see when I looked it up on the net.  Then I wouldn't need the extra 250 cc's. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Olson
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] bowel mgmt

Is that like a cecostomy?


Stacy Harim wrote:
When I had my mitrofanoff procedure, the doc suggested a chait catheter.  It is connected to my large intestines. I use an enema bag and hang it on my shower curtain rod (my toilet/shower chair is in there the bars in the tub help me w/my transfer) anyhow, I put in 500cc's of saline and it pushes my stool through.  I still use the magic bullet to get myself started while I wait for the water to come through but it isn't necessary.  It is so fast by only taking about 20 mins. If it looks like there is more, I dump in another 250.  It has made my life so much easier.
Im going Friday to see if the mitrofanoff can be fixed.  I'll let everyone know when I get home.


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