Hi Houston,
I agree with you about Dave.  I think we all are super just by showing each other, and everyone else, that we're here and doing whatever we can to live a good life.  Each day adds up, and as the years go by we learn a little more about ourselves.  I hope yours is a lucky 7.  :)
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You sound 2 be a super quad yourself. Keep pushing you and others truly inspire me. I’ve met a few quads that stand, I’ve only met 1 so far that actually walk . I like some others pray for medical break throughs. I’d love 2 just have a little more return. I just want to be a low level Para.

On 8/23/05 4:25 PM, "Ol' Man River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

when i was at Wayne state univ in 1970 we had a few walking quads - we called them super-quads.  they walked with short arm braces - it was very laborious and not completely functional out in the real world but still, they were impressive.  I'm a incomplete c3 from a trampoline and i used to stand to put my w/c into the back seat of my 2 door cars.  my legs are now not trustworthy enough for such activity so i have switched to a power chair and a van with a ramp.  i have lived alone before and still can but prefer to have an a/b around in case i fall.  getting up is outside my abilities.  i drag my butt in and out of bed and get some help from triggered leg spasms to get there.  i use back and leg muscles to get onto the raised jon.  i really would like to offer more help to you on the list but it's evident we don't have all that much in common.  i d! o suffer from many of the ills and dep!  ressions  described on here and of course am just as helpless as any quad in many public situations.   heavy doors, curbs, narrow jon stalls, high drinking fountains, all are just as unusable to me as they are you.  i do however, frequently ask for and get cheerful help from anyone around  women seem particularly drawn to my helpless situations.  not my first idea for meeting chicks tho.  the winning combo is - never give up - persistence wins in the end.

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wow, that is impressive to transfer without a board. I'm paraplegic and cannot in anyway do that.  I have to have my board and I'm paraplegic.  My torso is way too long to get shoulder depression b/c I am way strong enough.  My tone doesn't work with me like yours does with you as well. I'm not mad about it but I am very impressed by you.
----- Original Message -----
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:24 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Transfers

In a message dated 8/23/2005 10:12:33 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:
hey paul
    can you do a weight shift in your chair or turn yourself at night?  if not that would be a good starting point. I'm c-5/6 incomplete, have very weak tricepts and have been transfering independently (without sliding board) for couple of years.  i transfer to the shower chair, stander, and bed.  i use the tone in my legs to help me move.  when i start to lean forward my spasms automatically kick in to help me lean back.  when you first start transfering you'll have a tendency to scoot, which if you're in manual chair it will slide away from you.  i use my tone to give me a push to lift and move over.  i have never ended up on the floor doing a transfer (KNOCK ON WOOD).  when my tone is real bad and i don't feel safe doing it i ask for help, though.  
i'd rather ask for help getting in bed than getting off the floor

Dave - C3,  1967, Phoenix AZ <http://www.users.qwest.net/~daveoc/index.html>
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