Baclofen does it to me.

From: ~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quad list <>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Tripetail (sp)
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 09:45:40 -0700 (PDT)

i had the same hallucinations after being given reglan.........scared crap outta me!!

Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm sure the medication Tripetail has been discussed in detail, but it may be necessary to hear my experience.

Jackie, my wife, took me to a pain center here in Virginia. They gave me the medication Tripetail (sp) in an attempt to ease my suffering. After about three days I told her I was losing my memory. On the fourth day I woke up totally lost. She had to put me into my wheelchair, undo the motors, and push me into my van. I was in the hospital for almost a month. During my stay I experienced the most horrific hallucinations man can ever imagine. People walking without heads, piles of dead bodies, people with severed arms with only skin hanging from their shoulders, waking up on the table with my internal organs hanging out: many, many more; to trying to put into words. My wife told me I screamed for hours on end, and often spit my food into her face.

After three weeks the doctors finally found the right medication to bring me back. They told my wife that the possibility existed that I would remain in that state. God help anybody if they're subjected to such a torment. Scary enough, in this world somebody probably is. Peter

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