I'm not sure those funds would've stopped the flooding or not but we'll never know now.
In do know they would do good now and "if" Bush was smart and wanted his country back behind him this would be a good time to tell Iraq "We got bigger problems at home so get your shit together we're leaving to take care of it!"
This is bad and here in Arkansas you can't get a room no where and hotel owners are thankfully forgiving peoples bills because they have no funds.
The Childrens hospital sent their chopper down there and a whole convoy of ambulances left to as well as any National Guardsmen.
The looting going on is unbelieveable!
I mean who needs 10 pairs of Nikes when you're knee deep in water lol! Get some freaking hip waders at least!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 09/01/05 09:54:37
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hello???
Hey River,
Man im in total disbelief watching Cnn, I can't believe people would
actually build a city 6' below sea level.  Im so pissed off at Bush he
depleted the funds so he could go fight a war he will never win.  And he
could do something about this gas bull shit, I wish he had to wade around in
the nasty water of LA and sleep on the streets.  Yeah I know its not his
fault, but come on Mr President get your head out of Iracs ass and take care
of our country.  I really wish I could volunteer to help out, like you River
I feel so helpless.
----- Original Message -----
From: "River Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quad-List post" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 6:12 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Hello???
> Is anyone out there?  Is everyone paralyzed by the tragedy in Miss,  LA,
> and Al?  i can't believe this happened in the "richest" country  in the
> world.  I can't believe the slow response to the death and  destruction of
> this disaster.
> I can't believe that police have been kept from rescue efforts in  order
> to contain "looters" carrying out diapers and food for their  survival.
> Many things leave me in disbelief.  I curse my damn disability which
> leaves me feeling helpless.
> I can't believe the gas prices have gone up over $5 in Ga and elsewhere.
> peace and love,
> River

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