Are we eating crow are what?  Just where would you expect a 100, 000.00 people to move too, you've seem to have all the answers. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

i never meant to imply that anyone was lazy because they are poor or poor because they are lazy.  the numbers here don't speak to either case.  i am saying they weren't too smart to remain living under the sea in hurricane alley.  i understand roots and ties to neighborhoods and all, still they chose to remain under the sea in h.a.  now that the place has been wiped out,I'm saying they won't be very smart to move back to the old neighborhood after it is pumped out again.  i think it would be a big mistake to set the trap of destructionn again but i feel confident the ruling powers will do just that.  they like roots too.  it looks like there are a lot safer places to live at the mercy of the government without putting ones life in direct danger like waiting for the next hurricane.  why do you suppose they stay there, Dave?  there must be some reasonable explanation.  are you going t! o try and tell me they can't move?  Dave

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Dave,
All thing considered...being poor doesn't necessarily mean one is lazy, as this survey of June 2001 from the Brookings Institution shows.  It has some interesting figures, no emotions, about New Orleans that may be surprising to some.  I hope this helps clarify the facts, at least up to 2001 on the working poor in N.O.

Center on Urban & Metropolitan Policy

Rewarding Work: The Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit in Greater New Orleans

"Despite a great deal of public and policy interest in the working poor and working families, particularly in the aftermath of welfare reform, there is little understanding of who the working poor are and where they live. Families may claim an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) if they are working but not earning more than roughly 200 percent of the federal poverty level.  Therefore, this survey uses EITC receipt as a measure of the number and location of low-income working residents in a metropolitan area. This New Orleans survey is one of a series looking at the EITC and its value to 27 regions around the country. Using IRS data, this survey mapped the geographic distribution of the EITC to help these regions better understand where working poor families in their areas live. This survey confirms that working families live throughout the New Orlea! ns metropolitan area, and that the EITC is an important source of income for these families and their jurisdictions."
This figures on the Demographics of three sample cities are from Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, last modified 18 August 2005, 3 September 2005, and 5 September 2005.
Wichita Falls, TX - The median income for a household in the city is $32,554, and the median income for a family is $39,911. Males have a median income of $27,609 versus $21,877 for females. The per capita income for the city is $16,761. 13.9% of the population and 10.8% of families are below the poverty line. Out of the total population, 17.7% of those under the age of 18 and 10.3% of those 65 and older are living below the poverty line.

Phoenix, AZ - The median income for a household in the city was $41,207, and the median income for a family was $46,467. Males had a median income of $32,820 versus $27,466 for females. The per capita income for the city was $19,833. 15.8% of the population and 11.5% of families were below the poverty line. Out of the total population, 21.0% of those under the age of 18 and 10.3% of those 65 and older were living below the poverty line.

New Orleans, LA - The median income for a household in the city is $27,133, and the median income for a family is $32,338. Males have a median income of $30,862 versus $23,768 for females. The per capita income for the city is $17,258. 27.9% of the population and 23.7% of families are below the poverty line. Out of the total population, 40.3% of those under the age of 18 and 19.3% of those 65 and older are living below the poverty line.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, US

Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ok i see we are all emotion and no common sense here.  i don't mean they are staying this week because they are lazy, I'm saying they aren't too smart watching hurricanes blow in all over the place the last 2, 3, or 4 years while living under the sea.  I visited there once and couldn't wait to get back above ground.  anyone with common sense would think it's only a matter of time until n.o. takes a hit.  sure it was worse than anyone expected.  I'm thinking if i lived there, i'd be taking a bus ride to high ground when one headed for me.  now why would anyone think all quads are bitter and nasty because of my comments?  do you think all blacks are stupid because so many stayed in n.o. watching the storm blow in on them?  of course not.  maybe they will think, let's check with those quads next time a storm blows this way.  right that'll happen.  I'm not bitter or mean or in pain! ! or sleepy or anything else you might blame on me.  i AM however, dissappointed that the people in those under the sea slums don't try very hard to get out and do something positive with their lives.  you think they can't get a manual labor job and move out of there to a safer slum somewhere?  you think they HAVE to stay there and live like they do?  you think no relative or friend anywhere in the country wouldn't help them move out and start a new life above ground somewhere?  I'm a little curious as the where the big water trucks are - the military has lots of them, the dairies have nothing but big tankers that could be filled with water and driven right to most of these people.  where are they?  they really need my dollar a quart fufu water?  i don't think so.  we have government agencies dedicated to these types of rescues, paid for by you and me - we've already given much more than 5 10 or 20 bucks.  if i had a tanker ! ! truck, i'd fill it with water and drive it there - a few quarts just isn't the right solution.  and if we allow those low parts of town to be rebuilt and reinhabited - WE are fools.  yes I'm compassionate - let's get them out of there and get them relocated to a safer place.  this shouldn't be as formidable task as we are seeing on the news.  something is very wrong in our government paid rescue agencies.

Who peed in your coffee? Don't let folks hear you rant like that. They will think all quads are bitter nasty folks with no sense of compassion for others. Thousands get killed in car wrecks and damned if they don't still buy more cars. If they had any sense they'd all fly. Its much safer.
Just thank god it wasn't you and pry your wallet open and bust loose a few greenbacks.
I use to be ill tempered till I found out I need pain meds. When you feel better the world ain't so bad.
In a message dated 9/3/2005 5:39:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
no it's not because they made a mistake that they don't deserve compassion, it's because they PREFER to live lives of lazy 'you owe me a living', sit on their asses, expect to be given something by the evil government, and steal whatever they want because life has cheated them that they don't deserve much compassion.  they made concious choices to be leeches of society rather than make any attempt to better themselves.  lazy leeches aren't deserving of much compassion especially while they take joy in shooting their own feet off on public tv all the while blaming you and me for their past and current situations.  we saw the same thing in l.a. when the cops got off for beating rodney king. "you owe me", self destructive mentality because they refuse to take responsibility for their lives.

QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So you saying some people don't deserve our compassion because they made a freakin mistake?
And who are those?
Go ahead and tell me who they are since you know they're exact situation because I don't think you know anything about what really happened there unless you were there.
Was that clear?
And tell me what part of the planet isn't vurnerable to a major disaster?
Mother nature is everywhere Stunt.
-------Original Message-------
From: Your Name
Date: 09/02/05 20:47:53
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hello
OK, lack of clarity.
Compassion for those deserving of it has not been compromised by any of
the posts I've read here, so you leave me wondering???
I personaly wouldn't live below sea level even if I wasn't in a
I feel more for those who lived in the areas other than New Orleans
which were wiped out.
Common sense tells you not to live in hurricane alley below sea level.
> No didn't say anything about the government.
> Mark

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