Title: Can't run or hide
I’m not understanding your thinking or rationality behind it. New orleans is a dangerous place 2 live. Gary, Indiana, Chicago, New York, Detroit, Miami, Atlanta every major city in the USA has crimes and murders are considered dangerous places 2 live. So if everyone moves some place else than those places become over crowed less jobs crime rates rise than its time 2 move again. If it’s your time 2 die than no matter where U R U will die!!!!!!

On 9/6/05 11:05 AM, "Ol' Man River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i'm thinking there aren't many more than 2 or 3 places MORE dangerous to live.  anywhere on the gulf coast and the bottom half of the east coast is dangerous but UNDER THE SEA wins 1st place for multiple fatality vulnerability.  shakey town is a distant second as property is the big loser for shakes.  river beds - only if you build on the flood planes - similar mentality as lower new orleans.  any big towns for knives and guns.... sure but not thousands in a week in any one town.  freezing climates -  by the tens of thousands?  not hardly.  
tornados - http://www.tornadoproject.com/toptens/1.htm  
May 1-10, 2003: Record number of tornadoes hit the USA. ... March 18, 1925: The Tri-State tornado kills 689 people in Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. ...
( they are counting in the hundreds not thousands)
The chicago fire of 1891 =
"300 Chicagoans were dead, 90,000 homeless, and the property loss was $200 million. "

The Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake And Fire
When it is remembered, also, that over six hundred lives were lost in the disaster, it would appear that matters could hardly have been worse

Why do you suppose they stay there, Dave? There must be some reasonable
explanation. Are you going to try and tell me they can't move? Dave >>

I wouldn't waste too much time worrying about that as I know that there
are a thousand more spots in North America that are equally dangerous
and perhaps more dangerous than living in New Orleans, and all that Jazz.

The Western Plains that are subjected to tornados everyday during the 9 month
season. Those who live on the Mississippi River, from Minnesota to Gulf when
it overflows due to ice blockage. California, with their earthquakes, fire
and periods
of little or no water. The snowbelt and those who must survive each year,
snow is measured by the yards and not inches.

Yes, there are a lot more dangerous places to live, knowing dead might be at
doorstep at an!  ytime. I  wish that I had the perfect plan........

Dave - C3,  1967, Phoenix AZ <http://www.users.qwest.net/~daveoc/index.html>
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