A life of listening to others and educating myself guides mE with more accuracy than any "crystal ball".  I'm skeptical as you should be when reading these 'Internet letters'.  A lot of people love to pass on these 'forwards' to promote their views about race, religion, government, whatever - etc.  I just don't understand why people want to keep these pOintless stories rolling.  The only purpose your story serves is to get people angry enough to stop giving.  Is that your agenda?  I think your obvious abilities could be put to better use. 

"You would think with all of the genius and the brilliance of these times we might find a higher purpose and a better use of mind"

I'm curious where these accounts come from in the first place?  It seems like people who write about unpleasant situations in such a matter usually have an agenda.  Why don't these "storytellers" let us know who they are and where they can be reached, so we can at least try to validate their claims?  Your second "Internet story" was a poor attempt at trying to justifying your first.  What does your screening process consist of in trying to substantiate these tales?  You try to "get two or three that support each other", how do you know if the second or third is any truer than the first?  Without knowing the origins for which they came?  You proclaim, "these aren't MY stories", yes but, by passing them on it's kind of like giving your approval your endorsement, don't you think?

I'll tell you a story Mr. Dave.  There's a family down the street (any street USA) their poor and they receive government assistance even though the father of the family is able-bodied and capable of doing something to support his family.  There's also another family up the block (any block USA) who have more than they possibly need or could use and consequently help others.  They've been blessed and they want to share their abundance.  And, they do, very, very much to better the community.  Now, my point is two fold:

 (1) which families story has the most potential to inspire and possibly motivate others, I think the answers obvious. 

And: (2) I'm not under the illusion that this world is full of shiny happy people, but I think lighting a candle opposed to spreading darkness is a better use of time and energy. 

Let's do our best to spread love in a sometimes loveless world.  Someone's keeping score, no ones getting away with anything, the light is eventually going to expose the darkness.  We don't need the praise of men to do what we know is right.  The reward for the volunteers, (no matter how they're treated) 'good or bad', is in knowing that they did their best.  Be content in your own heart and justice will take care of itself.


D0wn by that Highwayside -

~ Michael  '-/

"Be aware of the time passing by,
they say the end it's the wink of an eye"


Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 4:36 PM

nonsense and racial trash?  another crystal ball owner heard from.  what was the REAL story down there then houston?  fill us in, ok?  i'll be happy when everyone is resettled too.


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 6:32 PM - To :  quad-list@eskimo.com

Before this is all over with, in the next 5-10 years.... you and I are going to hear a lot, and read about a lot more crazy stories of both the bright side and the dark side of almost every issue.  Today in LA, California is a good example of hearsay gone wrong.  Power Grid Interruption.  Word out- TERRORIST.  I heard several more stories before the true facts were made present.


In a message dated 9/12/05 6:22:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

these aren't MY stories and i'm not THINKING like the authors, and they aren't the only stories i see, they are just INTERESTING stories.  you sure jump to a lot of conclusions

about people.  would you rather NOT see the dark side of our brethren?  then delete my posts BEFORE you jump to the wrong conclusions.  open your mind a little.


Silas Shelburne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 4:32 PM

Way to go Mark,
Im glad someone else has this guy peged.  Hey Dave I guess Michael ain't Mark.  Ha!  Ha!  Lol.


Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 4:33 PM

sorry mark,  i understand why you don't want to be mistaken for michael.  the similarity in your names and the heat of the moment caused the misunderstanding..  no, i know you have no problem speaking your mind, and i know you make more sense than michael and his crystal ball.  sorry for mistaking you for him.


gina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 3:09 PM

I live here near Houston.  I understand how this guy feels.  I have felt this way at times.  I have friends in Louisiana, so I wanted to help as much as possible myself.  I couldn't myself volunteer, but I have helped by giving some money because they said it was needed the most, because we have been flooded here in Houston by Tropical Storms and by Hurricanes ourselves, so we know how it feels to lose our homes and be flooded out.  That's why I think Houston opened our arms so much, plus its that southern hospitality... I sit here though and watch the news and see that their are some that are so grateful for what the houstonians have done and feel really proud of the people here in Houston. Then their are some that are so ungrateful a few examples:  When they were in the astrodome they had to put a curfew on them, because they were coming in all hours of the night.  They would say its like a prison, but why would you need to be out at 3 a.m. if you werent causing trouble or getting into trouble, right?  They did it to cause a lil less confusion, think about there were thousands of people in one area everyone coming and going it causes confusion.  Then I was watching last couple of days now: I know its HOT in Houston and I know it sucks to stand in line for things, I've had to and I know others have, but they are receiving FREE money to help them live on.  Couldn't they show some appreciation?  All I've heard is they had to stand in line for hours and hours and how hot and tired they are and that they are sent from one place to another, but we can't help that there are so many people the only way to be able to get to everyone is by a line.  And we can't help that the funds run out of one place and they need to go to another place.  I do feel very sorry for these people who lost everything.  They need to understand that these people trying to help them are only human. I hope noone takes what I say wrong like I said i have a ton of sympathy for the Louisianians, I gave what I could and I pray we can keep helping them and they can get home soon.  They could show a lil more gratitude though and not all are being that way just some.
Sorry so long ya'll and its just a lil view here.


Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 3:04 PM

Maybe you need to start looking at some other internet sites. If these are the only stories you’re running into than you’re on some RACIST sites. But this is America and freedom 2 choose. Since you’re feeling like the people writing this non sense than I’ll pray 4 U as I’m praying 4 all the Evacuee’s that have been called some of everything Refugee’s, etc. So if this is the attitude that a few of them might even have I’m sure that no 2 people will react the same in the same situation.



Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 2:51 PM

Why did U even post this non sense. It’s some racist trash. But even if it were true . How is a person that’s life has been totally devastated supposed 2 act and behave when they’ve been through the ordeal that they’ve been through? I’ll be happy when they’ve all found other homes 2 live in and start 2 get their lives back in some sorts.


QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To :  "QuadPirate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 2:30 PM

Now I have to say to "You" this is my first post to this story you moron no wonder you're so lost.  Are you so lost your mind is playing with itself?  Are you seriously going to accuse me of some covert operation? lol!  I'm not afraid to speak my mind  right or wrong and I've proven it several times you delusional idiot so don't be accusing me of nothing.  I'm not usually this personal but you've crossed the lines of decency.


Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 2:25 PM

that would be a nice goal for the world population in general.  if only we could tell the bad guys from the general population.  if only we could fingerprint them or something.... maybe full face and profile photos would help??

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:48 PM  To :  quad-list@eskimo.com

Our newspaper here in St. Louis, Mo. said that in just on spot check of people taken in at Alton, Illinois....about 35 minutes from here, that 162 at this location are known wanted fugitives from the law. This is just one group of the refugees from the hurricane, I guess having criminals of Any race mixed into the refugee population at all the help locations is going to be a big problem.Too bad the criminals can't be sorted out and put in jail where they belong, and keep them from getting money and free aid they do not deserve.....but the system is overwhelmed right now and will take time if ever to catch many of them --plus many are in completely different States than where they are Wanted Fugitives.


Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:40 PM  To :  quad-list@eskimo.com

you've come a long ways from "This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple"  to "I don't know if I believe all of that " so do you think nobody said what was writen in the first post or do you just think it was inapropriate for me to send it on?  and to silas, i don't think all blacks are any one thing or another.  i happen to have some black friends i enjoy very much.  i do think there are a few who spoil the image for everyone else, just like there is in any group.
Michael - do you prefer Mark ?


QuadPirate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't know if I believe all of that but I will tell you this.
Here in Arkansas we have several thousand evacuees around the state and a whole bunch in and around Saline county where I live because it's half country living half small
town and we have a a bunch of 4H clubs and summer camps etc.. ...housing them and a lot of people have volunteered also mainly church groups and retired civilians.  One of my aids who works here also works in Wal-Mart and knows a lot of people personally and a lady was telling her that a majority of the people they were making breakfast for were complaining that "it's too early" and wanted them to start at a later time.  Now something this simple is what starts letters like this and then as they keep getting told of course not that they should've been complaining at all no matter how tired you are.  We of all people know how far 2 words can go and I thank my aids every day whether I'm tired or not.
 Now what I don't get is why you need anyone cooking or doing anything else but giving the means they need to do it for each other, I mean they have time to take care of


Silas Shelburne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:25 PM

You can't reason with this guy, he just want's to make everybody think all black people are bad unapreatable and lazy. 


Ol' Man River <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:14 PM  To :  Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quad-list@eskimo.com

i send out stories from the internet only after i get two or three that support each other.  here's another for your reading pleasure.  exactly how do you determine 'honesty' in

reporting, whatever fits YOUR current belief system?  wake up.
from yet another source....

Yup pretty much my experience too

I had to leave the Laundromat today to keep from
punching out a couple of
N***ers who were BRAGGING about mistreating ppl
and DEMANDING what they
wanted to eat or discussing their intent to sit
on their fat asses while
FEMA Red Cross and couple other places paid for
their rents. One
particularly irritating ingreatful bitch one said
how she has signed a lease
and since they didn't charge her a deposit she
was planning on trashing the
place before leaving. !!

I have since seen that person AND her
disrespectful thieving bastard
offspring who have spent last 2 days strong
arming the kids in the complex
in my complex and identified which apartment unit
she is in. Bright and
early tomorrow the Complex Manager and I WILL be
having a VERY long and
pointed discussion about this woman.

Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 1:09 PM  To :  [EMAIL PROTECTED], quad-list@eskimo.com


"do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?"

Let's see, honest, will do just fine.

D0wn by that Highwayside -

~ Michael  '-/


From: "Ol' Man River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Michael Norville <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:54:08 -0700 (PDT)

thank you, all knowing, most omnipotent michael.  your ability to see all truths through all lies is nothing short of supernatural.  we are so lucky to have one such as you in our company.  do you prefer 'sir' or 'your hinus'?

Michael Norville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent :  Monday, September 12, 2005 12:54 PM To :  [EMAIL PROTECTED], quad-list@eskimo.com

This is white supremacist propaganda pure and simple!  I can't believe you would see fit to perpetuate such obvious exaggerations if not total lies!  Where did this story originate?  What's its origins?  I noticed this fine fiction writer didn't have balls enough to sign his name.  In one sentence he's thanking God and in the next he's condemning a "supposed" group of people to hell!  Don't spread fires put them out before they can do further harm, please. 


D0wn by that Highwayside -

~ Michael  '-/

"Be aware of the time passing by,
they say the end it's the wink of an eye"

In a message dated 9/12/2005 11:05:55 AM Central Standard Time, TheOmen723 writes:

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Fwd: Ingrates
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 11:05 AM

It has been in the news.  i've seen people demanding help all over the news, even the mayor of new orleans.  i can't say i wouldn't do the same though.  i hope would have enough sense to appreciate help, but that's easy to say in my climate controled home with plenty of fresh water and a belly full of food.  now as for people showing hatred and cursing toward people that are helping, all i can say is that hating them back is only going fuel more hatred.
In a message dated 9/12/2005 10:02:56 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You know, there have been lots of live and taped reports from these areas and not one supports the claim of this Internet story.  Don't you suppose we would have seen and heard a little of this negative attitude on camera if it really existed?  Do you suppose all media have been instructed not to publish such reports?  Do you suppose they would

obey if they WERE asked to suppress such comments?  Pretty curious at the least.


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