Funny how quickly we forget tragedies.  For the most part.  I'm still in awe of that
footage.  That, and the early 80s shuttle disaster.
9/11 just had an anniversary (4 yrs?).  Now THAT was something hardly anyone
saw coming!  Some dude 'claims' he predicted it.  Nice to become popular AFTER
the atrocity! 
Choices there were zero, zip!  Escape wasn't even an option to consider
for thousands.  And the Oklahoma City bombing.
Louisiana had at least an affirmative warning.
My step-son just moved to San Jose.  While we're not the type to worry abt too many
"what ifs" we DO consider "when will?"  We wouldn't move there and I'd put some bucks down
on a bet that an earthquake happens there in 5 yrs or less.  A good-sized one.  The fault
line is thinking abt when best to rattle humanity.  LOL
Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 25 years post
Tucson, AZ
-------Original Message-------
Date: 09/13/05 09:34:49
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Need new sites
i hear you W.  yes we will be seeing lots of human nature in the future - both good AND bad.  it's just frustrating to deal with people who prefer not to hear all sides of a story.  the ostrich approach is pleasant for the ostrich but hardly realistic or useful in real life.  dave

Before this is all over with, in the next 5-10 years.... you and I are going
hear a lot, and read about a lot more crazy stories of both the bright side
the dark side of almost every issue.
Today in LA, California is a good example of hearsay gone wrong. Power Grid
Interruption. Word out- TERRORIST. I heard several more stories before the
facts were made present.

In a message dated 9/12/05 6:22:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< these aren't MY stories and i'm not THINKING like the authors, and they
aren't the only stories i see, they are just INTERESTING stories. you sure jump
to a lot of conclusions about people. would you rather NOT see the dark side
of our brethren? then delete my posts BEFORE you jump to the wrong
conclusions. open your mind a little. >>

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