Has anyone used the P.I.E. machine? Does it work? Gabe’s stomach gets huge. His Bp goes up. He is miserable. Tonight was really bad, we couldn’t bring diastolic BP down until we used 2 extra saline enemas. Gabe’s typical routine is two enemas per day- 1biscodyl in am- 1 saline in pm with abdominal visceral massage 3 X day. We have tried so many things. You name the product or procedure oral or rectal.  His stomach is huge not so much from feces, more from air. We recently tried carbon capsules. ?? if they will work for gas. He has a partial bowel blockage and many adhesions in the abdomen. Last time they removed the adhesions 5-6 years ago they said his bowels were in a knot. So I question if the PIE could work in this situation?


This AD thing has been going on for months. Kidney stones -2. Gall stones-1. Gabe is scheduled to have kidney stones removed on the 29th. We’ll see on gall stone. It will be a much bigger procedure. They can’t use a scope to remove gall stone.


I know I’m babbling at this point. The next thing I’ll ask is why time changes when you enter the event horizon of a black hole? Babbling… it’s a metaphor I use for certain problems.




Gabe’s mom

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