hey guys
i need some help with my essay.  would you mind reading my intro and telling me what you think i could do do improve the writing or if you think it's just shit?  i'm not trying to suggest that all professionals are wrong in telling people to use a manual wheelchair but i was told many times by a lot of people that i should push a manual chair (which i am forced to do right now because my electric is out of commission) and a few month after i agreed i started having horrible shoulder pain.  i even had one pt tell me that pushing through the grass was good for my arms,  I didn't even have triceps. 
but let me know what you guys think
Being paralyzed and in a wheelchair, a person has to learn how to do many things through trial and error or from professionals.  Tasks ranging from moving his or her newly paralyzed body around, stretching, and working out can all affect the shape of  a wheelchair users body.  One major task that can affect a wheelchair users body, specifically the shoulders, is propelling a manual wheelchair.  Many good intentioned professionals--including doctors, physical therapists, wheelchair salesmen, and nurses--often advise wheelchair users incorrectly by suggesting that they push a manual wheelchair to build strength when in reality it could cause a severe shoulder (or other?) injury.  

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