Thank you so much for that email.

I found it incredible that some of the postings mentioned how my father
might be feeling and when I spoke with him on the phone about the Quad
List and my short, but what I'm finding amazing, experience he expressed
exactly what some of you said he might be feeling.

I know he needs to come here, and I hope that he does.  I know he will,
I just want it sooner than later.  Unfortunately I feel he's receiving
frustrating advice from people whom haven't experienced what he has...

I hope he finds what I think he can here, and in all of the valuable
links everyone has sent.

I truly am thankful...


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] New member

Hi Susan 

I just have to say the quad list has been one of my saviors.  My
accident was on August 2 last year and I am just now accepting many of
the changes.  I am 33 years old and sometimes when you get more set in
your ways, it is harder to accept change.  The big thing that the Quad
list has helped me with was losing my wife to an able-bodied man because
she just couldn't accept the changes. I received 12 pages of advice that
helped me understand and move on.

 Every day I look forward to checking my e-mail, because it makes me
feel like I'm not alone, and other people feel a lot of the same things
I do.  I do not respond very much, but it is good to know the support is
out there.  It has got me through many dark times.  Don't be afraid to
post, this is a wonderful group.  You are a wonderful daughter to stick
by your dad.  Please encourage him to get involved with us.

Yours in Quad land, JT C6 incomplete

---- Susan Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi All,
> I've been working up the courage to post...
> My Dad is a C3-4 survivor since Oct 5th, 2004.  I've been trying to 
> encourage him to seek support.  And since his recovery was not in a 
> place with other SCI patients; he has no idea what anyone else has 
> been through.  He's feeling very alone.
> Do any of you have any ideas what I can possibly do to encourage him 
> to reach out?
> He was a very private person to begin with and I don't think he can 
> understand that other people going through similar conditions can 
> help....
> Any info you can offer is deeply appreciated...
> Sincerely,
> Susan Ulrich

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