I've went to the best store for shoes, Wal-Mart and they are very reasonable
on there prices too. I bought me a set of Hiking Boots one half size bigger
than I wear and also "wide width" which is very important because of the
swelling of the feet during the day when your sitting in the what I call "The
Presidents Quad Chair". I feel important but I am wise enough not to make
any decisions for the people of the U.S.A. . "Smiling" I got some Nike Tennis
Shoes that give me a red mark on my heal after two days of wearing them.
That ain't good, I got some of the other brand of tennis shoes that made my
heal do the same. So I done figured it out that, I can't wear tennis shoes longer
than two days. "LOL" So I hike around in my Quickie 646 wheelie chair. So,
this could have been a shorter e-mail but I had to drag it out and the only thing
I can suggest for shoes to wear is try some out after your foot heals and when
you find some that doesn't make your foot get sore, keepem. Those that give
give you a even just a red mark within 3 to 4 days, return them and try another
pair. I would also have anyone putting on a lace type shoe, un-lace the shoe
atleast half way down before trying to put it on. Keep your toe nails trimmed off
which would be the very best of care also. It was Neglect on your Nurse not
to un-tie the laces down half way or check your toe nails for trimming that you
had to spend time in the Hospital. If she could of felt what she did to you, I
guarantee she or any other person would not do that ever again. Good Luck
with the Healing and hope it all turns out back to normal for you.
Chet   ( Cquad7 ) home page: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/5815
Post 16 yrs. C-6/7
-------Original Message-------
Date: 11/03/05 16:27:06
Subject: [QUAD-L] Shoes
Hey all,
What kind of shoes do you guys wear? I spent 3 hours in the ER last night because (I'm assuming) when my nurse put my shoe on, my big toe nail must have got bent back and nearly ripped off (now is off and bandaged) and made the whole side of my foot purple. Anyway, mom doesn't want me wearing tennis shoes. What do you guys wear? Thx.

Jeremy - 23 - Florida
C-3 Quad since 4/12/01
OI Type IV since 7/29/82

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