FY I call your senators and write them at 1-800-828-0498 tell them to vote against anything that will hurt the Medicaid program and recipients.
find out how to your representatives vote on this issue!
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Title: Medicaid & the Budget: The Next Phase
Families USA: The Voice for Health Care Consumers

Dear Dana,

After a long and heated debated, the House approved a budget reconciliation bill early this morning with deep cuts to Medicaid and other important social programs. The final vote was extremely close: 217-215. No Democrats voted for the bill, but 14 Republicans voted against it. Click here to see how your Representative voted. You can also thank your Representative (or scold them, depending on their vote) by sending an e-mail through our Web site.

While we are disappointed at the outcome, we are pleased that so many moderate Republicans felt compelled to vote against this budget. It was largely due to your calls and e-mails—along with thousands from activists across the country—that made this such a difficult vote for the House leadership. We're deeply grateful for all your hard work.

Now the process moves to the Conference Committee, where negotiators from the House and Senate will try to find a compromise between the two versions of the budget and send it to both houses for up-or-down votes. Because of the close votes (the Senate passed its version by 52-47) and the significant differences between the bills on Medicaid and other issues, we believe we have an opportunity to prevail in this phase of the Medicaid fight. Our best chance lies once again in the Senate.

We need you to call your Senators and urge them to vote NO on any budget that hurts Medicaid recipients. Our toll-free number is still up and running:

Call your Senators toll-free:

The fight to save Medicaid isn’t over yet—it's just entered a new phase, and we can still prevail. With your help, we can do it!

All of us here at Families USA wish you a happy and restful Thanksgiving holiday.

Luis Hestres
Web Content Associate, Families USA 

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