Welcome, Carolyn.  I'm Bill, a C-6 incomplete quad since 7/20/68.  Glad you found us.
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
I live in my own little world. But it's OK...they know me here.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [QUAD-L] age of quad

Hi Everyone,
Merry Xmas! My name is Carolyn and I've kinda new to the list.  I am a c3/4 quad injured in 1963 due to a car accident, a long 42 year ago. Back in those days I was on a Striker Frame and I also had my neck fused.   I'm 61 and my Husband is 65.  January we will be married 40 years.  We have one daughter and 2 wonderful Grandchildren.  He has been my caregiver from the beginning......there have been some rough times but we are still together. My heart goes out to you Honic and your Husband.  I enjoy this list and have learned a lot from the postings.  Even though its been 42 years I still have a lot to learn.  Steph where are you in FL. I'm in Tamarac, FL.
Merry Xmas to everyone!!!!!!!!!!
> From: "David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/12/23 Fri PM 02:33:30 EST
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]quad-list@eskimo.com[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] age of quad
> Hi Dana,
>   What month in '53?  I was born in June of '53.  :-)
> With Love,
> CtrlAltDel aka Dave
> C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
> Texas, USA
>         Hi Honic,
>   so sorry about your husband's health.  You were married the year I was born.  I'm glad that he has such a great wife to post for him.  I'm sure you could teach us all many things about quadriplegia.  I hope you will share your knowledge.  I hope he gets to feeling better, but I understand the pulmonary problems as I have from time to time.  I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .
>   Dana (C4-5, 31 years Post, 52, KC)  In a message dated 12/21/2005 9:33:22 AM Tonga Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>      Hi Honic,
>   WOW!  I'm really impressed with you both.  My Dad was in the AF in the Korean War, and I was born the year you two married.  I'm sorry to hear that your husband's health isn't doing so good.  I am glad you have family and they are able to help out.
>   When you reply to a post, hit the "Reply To All," or whatever your mailer says for that, to reply to the Quad-List.  All the names on that post will show-up in the "To" window, but that's okay. 
>   I hope this helps.  I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.  Stay strong.
> With Love,
> CtrlAltDel aka Dave
> C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
> Texas, USA
>           My husband is a disabled Veteran from the Korean WAR. He was hurt in 1951.
>   I went to the hospital to donate blood and that is where we met.
>   We were married in 1953. We have three daughters and 3 sons 3 daughters. We now have 10 g-sons and 2 g--daughters. Also have 2 grands which are also boys.
>   His health (over-all) was good until year of 2,000. He now has Congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in addition to his spinal injury.
>   Honic
>   Mare ,
>   Help me out! here. when I answer a post do I have to put quad-list@eskimo.com after your name or can i just reply?
>   Thanks

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