Here is a Prayer I say when someone asks me to "Pray for me, her, him"

    Praying is believing in something bigger than yourself, or anything
you've ever touched or known. It's telling a river or an open field that you need a
little help right now. Because somebody hurts. Because someone somewhere has
been crying. Last night I thought about you and I concentrated as hard as I
could on making you better. I went outside and sat on top of a hill and told the
night sky that you were sad, and that all I really wanted was for you to be
okay. I gave a tree a hug and a message. I wished on a star and all it's
friends to make you smile. This is my prater to you. Because I want you to love the
world again. And because I knew I couldn't do it by myself.
  I carry this in my purse whenever I'm down I'll read it and feel better.
Dose anybody else pray like this?

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