I'm very fortunate to have a longtime friend rearrange her whole life, in
order to prevent me from going into a long-term care facility.  

The county that I live-in doesn't offer choices for caregivers, even though
she had previous experience as a CNA.  And after several months of tests and
what not, she was finally hired by the agency to fill seven hours per day.
She is only off every other weekend.  

The agency has their own rules, and as Medicaid gets billed 30 plus dollars
per hour, the actual PCA's only get eight dollars an hour.  

As I pursue my position at the local Independent living Center one of our
objectives is to establish consumer directed care in our county.  If anyone
has information, or is willing to share their experience in establishing
such a thing I would appreciate any advice I can get. 

 Thank you, JT
 C6 incomplete since 08/02/04
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 9:03 PM
To: quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [QUAD-L] Hours

I have a question. What's the maximum numbers of PCA hours a day can you all
receive including those of you living in Canada and other countries?


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