Does it blanch (turn pale) after finger pressure is applied?
If so no sweat, keep off your back at night if on a reg mattress and keep up the pressure reliefs.
A dark color that doesn't blanch is a stage 1 pressure sore. A visit to your SCI doc would be a good idea.

Hi Dan,
This could be your worst nightmare...... or it just might be a red spot on your skin.
If it was merely a red spot, it would be gone, by now, if you have resting off of it for a couple of hours.  However, if it is still present, it could be more serious, and require more attention.
It would be wise to determine if it IS a pressure sore. Massaging the area, and dry cooling the area may help.  Contact your doctor's office an make sure that they are aware of your health concerns. It just make be safe to consider that it is the beginning and start with the
normal protocol for eliminating that which you believe is a pressure sore.  This way, if it is not, you have some experience on what to do.
Best Wishes and I hope its just a misquito bite, gone wild.
In a message dated 2/28/2006 1:31:03 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi, all- I have a question, I have never had pressure sores except for my intensive care stay at the hospital 8 1/2 years ago when I was 1st injured. My wife told me today I have a red spot near tailbone area......I know to do pressure reliefs more often to help but what else should I do ?   should I have betadine applied to the area ?  I know this subject has come up in past but I can't remember and do not know how to search archives.
                         Thanks, Dan c-6  8 1/2 post  car wreck

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