
I want to change subjects and ask you another question.  I have not been able to find employment not only because of our problem with sediment in my urine but mainly because of recurrent pressure sores.  I want to ask you if you were employed and what you are doing.  My repeated attempts to seek employment have been frustrated because of my skin and I wanted to learn what others are done explicit because your entry-level is high and similar to mine.

I would appreciate any advice or information you could provide me



Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
With foleys ... diet can have VERY LITTLE to do with sediment formation or stones.  I've had a foley 26 years now and have been through the HEAVY sludge department.
My sludge was once that thick too.  I JUST talked with a Urologist about my bladder stones.  She is a member of the church I'm acquainted with and called me from her home.  She said that after I get my stones removed there are irrigants to help reduce sludge and stone formation.
About 12 years ago I tried using RENACIDIN for my cathbeter-clogging sediment and sludge .  But not faithfully.  In my chat with the Dr she didn't mention THE NAMES of these irrigants as we were focusing on my current issues.
About 6-9 months ago I tried via my primary care physician AND pharmacies to try to get an irrigant called CLORPACTIN of which I tried years ago too but also unfaithfully.  NO ONE could find this irrigant.  I think it's off the market now.  As it WAS ACTUALLY a mixture of bleach and sterile water gotten via a prescription.
 I forgot about Renacidin but I suggest you try to get your Urologist or Dr to order a script for IT and try it out.  I think it's spelled RENACIDIN.
For me ... cranberry supplements, increased juices, etc did nothing.  And my diet is VERY LOW in calcium.  Again ... foleys and residual urine and some bacteria are THE causes of such sludge and sediment.  Keep chugging water until you can try an irrigant.
Lori Michaelson
C4/5 complete quad, 26 years post
Tucson, AZ
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/16/06 11:11:46
Cc: Quad
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Cleaning bags
I would like to ask your advice about sediment in my urine.  I have an indwelling Foley that has been no problem for about 10 years.  In the past year, I have had a large amount of sediment that is very thick and cannot be irrigated or flushed through my Foley.  When I attempt to flushed the Foley, the sediment is so great and thick that it clots the Foley.  I have a diet low in vitamin D or calcium and have taken vitamin C and cranberry tablets with no success.  My doctor and other urologists have no answer.&nb! sp; I cannot wear an external catheter because I am allergic to the glue or possibly the rubber on the condom/catheter.

I hope you guys can help


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