On 4/16/06 1:07 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
#2 son was called out last week with a crew to replace a major power pole and a couple
regular poles that were knock'd down by a dragging motorist. Two cars were dragging in the beginning of the evening. Suddenly, an old timer (84) pulled out on the road in front with hopes of turning and not being able to judge the dragging cars speed. END RESULTS:
Four Adults-dead
1 Six Year Old- dead
Several bystanders injured
Several critical injured
One of the racers rode away and left the scene.
This was son #2 's first experience in having to deal with human body parts that were struen all over the place. Primary power light to local airport was cut and damage to substation.
The power crew was up all night while police did a field report, before body parts were bagged and the crew was allowed to restore power service to the community. Worst car crash in the history of Gary, IN.
In a message dated 4/16/2006 12:50:38 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It’s funny I rode motorcycles for about 20yrs. It’s ironic I was on my bike when I became a quad. But I was shot in the neck while on my bike. I only wore my helmet when in states that required it. But I was an organ donor. :) and am a donor now if anyone could use anything other than my eyes. My internal organs are probably useless :)