Hi Paul,
I'm Jim a C-5/6 incomplete 46-year-old male, going on six years post.  It took me 4.5 years to figure out my bowel program to where I very seldom have accidents anymore.  I still do have some accidents at night but very seldom during the day unless I eat hot spicy foods or take Citracel.  I do my bowel program twice per day because I need to be lifted by an electric hoist and do my bowel program while I'm hanging over a bucket and most days I will do something be at gas or actual bowel movement.  I do not need suppositories or digital stimulation just an occasional "tickle" with some toilet paper on my rectum.
My suggestion to you would be to stop using products to make you go and see what happens for a few days.  Hopefully, if you are anything like me, your stools will start to firm up and then your ball movements will become more consistent.  You might have to have your rectum "tickled" like I do to make you go but that is a lot better than taking all these products that make you inconsistent.  Just keep track of the last time you went so you do not end up getting constipated.  If you do not go after 3-4 days then you might want to try some digital stimulation or your suppositories.  My doctor had me on all that stuff and my stools were always runny and I had no consistency on when I go at all until I stopped taking everything and let my body do it naturally.  If you have any more questions please feel free to ask.

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