Is there anyone scheduled for any type of surgery in the next two weeks?
I am going in next Wednesday [May 10th] to have my bladder stones removed.  Or my rocks ... since they are so huge.  It is an outpatient procedure so I hope everything goes smoothly.  The only thing that I am worried about is that my blood pressure will skyrocket and they won't be able to control it without stopping the surgery.
I have a positive outlook and that would be the 'worst case scenario.'  I really wanted to have a spinal but, unfortunately, I am not a candidate because my shunt goes into my lung cavity and they are afraid that the medicine could quickly swish up my spine and go through my shunt ... stopping my breathing.
So my only other option is to go under general anesthesia.  The surgery itself is supposed to take about two hours [give or take] and be in recovery for about an hour.
So I was just wondering if there are any of you out there who were scheduled for any type of surgery with general anesthesia fairly soon?
I just can't wait until it is ALL over.  That means my recovery period the week afterward.  It is expected that I will see blood and blood clots in my urine for one to two weeks after surgery.  But I will be on antibiotics of course.
Here goes nothing,

Lori C4/5 Complete

Tucson, AZ

AGE - 41

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