I have always tried to stay away from Buffet Restaurants, because they are nice ... but so are hog pens, lol.
Recently, I had/made the opportunity to visit the Old Country Buffet and see all I had missed over the years and believe me, it was truly an experience in human nature.
I watched several vehicle rushing thru the parking lots and pull into ADA parking spaces.  Out popped several people who were in my estimation, morbidly obese.  The placard was placed on the mirror and the occupants tried to exit that vehicle like hugh turtles in heat. They wiggled and waggled, some in walkers, because there was no way they could support their own weight just walking.  Instead of choosing a parking spot at the rear of the parking lot so they could work up an appetite before eating, they chose the closest spot to the front door of the Buffet.  It was quite a sight, not to be missed.  They entered the Buffet, paid their monies and didn't wait to be escorted to their table by the waitress, choosing instead to head directly to the feeding troughs for the night's treats.  I only thought waiters and waitress could carry multiple plates at the same time.  With this group, it was an artform.  They managed two plates that were not packed with veggies and fruits, but rather shrimp and ribs. They also managed to carry a tall glass of non-diet beverage of Coke or Pepsi, so they wouldn't have to make two trips and have more time for eating.
When they sat at their tables, they didn't say much to each other during their stay.  They knew what they were there for and tried to make the most of the special dinner rates for the evening.  During the course of the evening, they each made several more trips to the troughs and each time returned with enough food to feed the average family.  Again, I didn't notice any of the healthy foods like salad, greens, fruits or tufo.
Keep in mind, I'm really enjoying my green salad with plenty of lettuce, carrots, radishes, sprouts, mushroom slices and sunflower seeds.  Oh, and plenty of Ranch Dressing.
I drank water.
I also seem to notice that many of the those who were present for the dinner special that evening were candidates for the health club instead of the feeding troughs.  I didn't realize that they were actually trying to eat more food and accessories, then they paid for.  And the food kept on coming out.  Ofcourse, you had to be there to enjoy this experience.  I'm sure, that I was the only person who the restaurant made money off my brief experience there that evening.  After dinner of greens, corn and water, I was stuff'd.  I had to loosen my belt, lol.
The pack at the other table were only getting ready for the next course... dessert.  Once again, it was an amazing feat to watch a group of people who just finish eating enough unhealthy food to feed the average nursing home, find their way to the dessert table and carry two plates and a bowl each back to their table. What do people who I presume are morbidly obese eat for dessert?  I share with you what I saw.  Cherry cobbler, Peach cobbler, Blueberry cobbler, cookies, ice cream with an assortment of sprinkles hot fudge pour'd over a brownie mix, and two different flavors of pudding, banana and chocolate.
Ok, so what is the point of this little story?
I'm guessing that this is a regular event for these people as they knew where to go for everything.  I would not have been too surprised to enter the washroom and find anyone of these people using the H/C stall, instead of a regular stall.  Why?  Usually the regular stalls are about 36 inches wide.  These people I viewed, were much wider than the maximum stall.
That 36 inch wide door on the H/C stall would have test the limits of stress of them squeezing into the stall.
One thing I must about these people is they didn't smoke, and that is good.  Then maybe for the price of a pack of cigarettes, these days, they could pay for an entire nite of eating and.... dessert.
Maybe these explains alot of what I'm reading in the newspapers and watching on television news about the  excess weight conditions of Americans these days.  Supposely, North Americans weigh too much for their own good.  That's understandable and we should blame those buffet restaurants that serve you all you can eat for about $10 bucks.  People are compelled to gravitate to places where you can walk in, crawl in or roll into and fill your body with calories and senseless unhealthy bulk.
But that's what happens when you live in the USA.  The food chain is good and plentiful.
Only in this country is Thanksgiving, turkey and dressing, served everyday. Health is secondary.
Think about it this holiday.... and enjoy yourself.  I will.
In a message dated 5/25/2006 8:27:09 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The problem with that is, what if he has a heart problem? What if he just had surgery?

I talked to a guy who has had things like that done to him, because his disability is not noticeable at first.

What if he just forgot to put the tag up?



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