LOVED the segment on the 'today show' earlier this week on using corn etc. i think it was brasil or somewhere close that imports NO fuel fro anywhere, they use sugarcane... it's delicious and valuable!

Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I say tax the things that harm us all to the max---smoking-alcohol-Gas&fossil fuels-we will look harder for alternative transportation then or all drive much less, Put the extra money towards helping improve our quality of life and towards a 9 TRILLION government deficet that has been proven will bankrupt america if serious ACTION is not taken soon.                                                                      Dan H.  c-6

~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
you acted like it was JUST hurting THEM and it isn't... i resent going into a doctor's building and on the way to it have to paqss the idiots sitting there smoking... go sit in your fucking car and smoke yourself to death.... i wouldn't try to argue this with me...

Silas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now Now Little Quad,
I know smoking is not the right choice, it mite have helped kill my dad.  But it was his choice to smoke, just like a lot more things we chose to do to our bodies. Like over eating, drinking alcahol taking drugs just to name a few.  We all seem to forget that tobacco made America what it is today, it got the settelers on their feet so they could buy supplies.  Im a tobacco farmer and a American, I believe in freedom of choice.  I also was a smoker before my accident, but I never smoked in a public place or where I thought it mite bother another person.  Its called RESPECT thats what wrong with the world today, the lack of respect!  Sorry if this affended anybody, just had to jump in defend tobacco its provided cloths and food for my family for 4 generations .
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Handicap Parking-smoking

they are killing us, 2nd hand smoke is more dangerous.......

In a message dated 5/26/2006 12:38:20 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
True, they are hurting themselves...I can't stand people smoking cigaretts..another product that effects the whole worlds air quailty and harms others.... but we can't kill the smokers  lol    but they are killing themselves.
Actually, you are very right.  This is not the 1020's when we were dumb and ignorant
of the smoking facts.  Almost the 22th Century and some of the population still doesn't understand or wants to understand some basic facts about the dangers of smoking.
Happy Holiday

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