I'm not sure when the time will be right - if ever.  I do know my parents lived too long - both died slow deaths in their mucous years - wetting themselves and forgetting names of people around them.  One of my sons is now putting his life on hold while baby-sitting his wife's grandmother and my parents gradually alienated all their kids by living with them too long.  I'm not waiting for any of these things to happen - I'll go camping by myself in a desolate spot first. That time is not in the cards this week or next but I'm sure it looms on the horizon somewhere.  All this makes me live life a little closer to the fire - enjoying more sweet forbidden roses along the way.
In a message dated 6/10/2006 5:42:46 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
When will the time be right for you?  For me it is when I can no longer take care of myself.  Today I realized that I was nearer than I thought to that point.  But I have too much to do yet in this world.


On Jun 10, 2006, at 5:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think a bottle of valium and a fifth of some good hooch ought to do it.
that's my plan when the time is right.

Dave www.daveoconnell.com c3-inc-1967

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