If there's a CIL where you are headed call them to if they have someone to come do this for you. I've used both Nursing Agency and someone's CNA through a contact at a CIL.
On Jun 13, 2006, at 1:58 PM, Lori Michaelson wrote:

Hello Michelle,
Your husband obviously realizes that he will be the one to have to help with your bowel routine.  That is one reason it is so difficult for us to travel among other things.  But when I did/do travel ... we take along everything we use at home and do the same thing in the hotel.  That involves taking my bedside commode.
I used to be able to go on my side with a chux behind me ... but my body refuses to do that anymore.  But that may be an option for you.
Essentially, whatever you do at home ... take it on the road!
-------Original Message-------
Date: 6/13/2006 1:49:23 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Traveling with a disability
Hi! I'm a C-5 quad and want to start traveling with my husband. My problem is the dreaded "BP". My husband does not do this for me... I have a PCA and mom that helps with this. However, we'd love to travel alone. Does anyone have any good solutions about how this could be handled? I'd love to hear from quad women but any opinion would be greatly appreciated.

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