Hi Stacy,
Your go ahead and "rambling on."  It makes sense to me.  I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I appreciate you and your life, too!  Stay strong.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For me, I appreciate the little things so much more.  The cuddling, kissing, and holding and that gets me by when it happened the once Sad smiley emoticon in 5 years.  I watched blue collar tv tonight and at the end Jeff foxworthy, Bill Engval, and Larry the cable guy do a lil segment I believe and Bill, God love him, said "Pain doesn’t make you stronger.  Pain is natures way of reminding you that life sucks." I could of misquoted but it cracked me up.  Try to find the humor in yourself.  I do all the time and it does help, honest.  I try to appreciate each day for what it has to offer, especially this time of year.  (It does suck that I'm stuck in bed with this flap and I'm stir crazy), however, I do know I will be healed soon and can do what I like to do in the spring.  We are getting a late spring here. Just finally getting warm (most days)  I live by the ocean and keeping us chilly, anyhow, I love to plant spring flowers in my window boxes and pots I have saved over the years. If you aren't able, then maybe get someone to help you so something that you can appreciate, watch grow, or have something to be proud of.  I have lots of house plants. Many before I got sick.  I have seen how big they have gotten over the years and beautiful too.  I love to take care of them.  I went to Wal-mart with my Aunt and the humane society was outside with kittens and I rescued a cat that I had no plans of getting but couldn't resist when holding the kittens and him being one of the last ones because he was so scrawny.  He loved up to me, snuggled to my neck and then I couldn't resist.  He has grown into a beautiful adult cat and loves me every day.  I would be lost without him.  That's just me, but I try to take each day for granted and thank God that I wake up because there was a day that I didn't and almost died.  I  am sure many of you can relate to the almost dying. 
I know each day there are difficulties.  Spasms, pain, some of you are on vents, trachs.  I know how it feels and I know it sucks.  I thank God that I recovered as much as I have to not have those limitations anymore, but it makes me appreciate what I have even more.  Especially when I think about my Mom telling me about the prognosis when I was in the coma.  6 months to a year before any signs of recovery if I survive and I will most likely have brain damage and never be able to care for myself.  I honestly thank God, in my own way, for what I do have now.  I am able to care for myself, get my education, and hopefully help others in a few years and get off of this godly social security because I am sick of being broke. 
Anyhow, I didn't mean to ramble like this and I know I bitch a lot, but the truth is that I am so thankful that I am alive to appreciate life.  If I haven't mentioned it before, I look up to so many of you for what you have accomplished and your attitudes because when I couldn't move anything, then could barely move, relying on a vent and hearing the doctor that he is surprised that I am recovering that much and not to expect much more didn't give me much hope.  I wondered how I would ever survive, knowing I couldn't live with my parents and didn't have anyone to rely on for help.  I am so lucky that God has led me to where I am now and giving me the power to care for myself because if I didn't, I have no idea where I would be now.  I love the fact that most of you have these great attitudes, give me so much support when I have less challenges, but never the less challenges.  When I am down, many of you offer advice and offer empathy which I appreciate so much.
Ok, I'm finished rambling,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I have another question

Hi Barb,
I believe there is a positive energy and a negative energy at work in the Universe.  Call it what you may, Good/Evil, God/Satan, it doesn't matter.  I chose to think the positive energy causes the sun to rise, makes the flowers bloom, and helps me through each day.  The negative energy causes the droughts, the floods, and causes bad things to happen to good people.
I also believe that using positive energy we can find our way, even with a SCI.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

you all said to ask anything. how can their possibly be a god that would let this kind of unhumaine suffering happen? i'm only C 5 other's are a lot worse off.
  how am I to cook, clean, have an orgazim or pick my nose?

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