"I'm" not a Rush fan either.
I consider myself to be "just an American", and view extemism on both sides of the philosophical spectrum as harmful.
As far as I'm concerned, those who falsly classify me as a conservative refuse to recognize us "moderates" who vote for the person and not the party.
Although I do enjoy a good debate, I won't pull my punches when somebody uses their 1st Amendment Right to falsely accuse our Commander and Cheif and our troops of wrong doing and demand them to put up their proof or back off.
In every war in history mistakes were made, but usually the ones in the media pointing their fingers don't have a clue.
 I admit that I've got a personal axe to grind with komrade kerry, and NOTHING he does now will ever make up for what he did to those of us serving. He stabbed us in the back and LIED, WHILE we were still fighting. Why didn't he get his "honorable discharge" when removed from the service? It was YEARS and a Presidential pardon later...
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr anyway.........
BTW, hope to begin BBQ plans after the 4th.
All Quads welcome, regardless of political views etc...
After all, we're all QUADS, we can't afford to let personal views divide us.

In a message dated 6/19/2006 4:56:14 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My my,
What a rant and load of hogwash.
BTW, I "VOLUNTEERED" during Vietnam in the REGULAR Armed Services BEFORE komrade kerry lied about our troops STILL SERVING in Vietnam.
I see you've bought into the "Progressive Liberal" Media biased reporting.
Dan sounds like the guy I want to Party With at Tim's Annual Quad-Fest, this summer.
Make sure that Dan sits at the head of the Quad Table, right over the power line that hangs over your driveway that it would both choke and electrocute a dwarf.
I'm sure that after a few of your choice char-broiled hot dogs and beverages, you have Dan a bleeding conservative and RUSH Fan, lol.

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