YUP!  I like listening to audio books as well!  Either alone or with my husband.
We have hundreds and hundreds of them on the computer in MP3 format so that I can have any one of many popular ones to stick into my MP3 player and listen away!
But many times they put me to sleep ... so I still enjoy reading at my 'over the bed' table in the evenings [regular books -- with and without big fonts].
-------Original Message-------
From: KK Batte
Date: 6/24/2006 2:56:25 PM
Cc: Quad
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Using bigger fonts and Re Mistaken identity
Lori, you don't get the books on tape for the blind?  Not being able
to hold a book I have gotten them for years.  Just finished Cybil
Shepard's book this morning.

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