Hi Gayle,
The problem, I think, with my flap pulling open is that he didn't take muscle or skin from anywhere else and instead moving everything up in my thigh and it was just too tight so it pulled at the incision.  The rest healed beautifully.  Not everyone is the same case.  If he could surgically do it again using muscle from the top of my leg, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  I'd love to be able to get up and move around, get back to school, and stop it with the damn dressing changes.  I'm sick of them.
----- Original Message -----
From: RollinOn
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 4:39 PM

Hello Gayle,
I'm Mark another C5/6 and I had or kind of still have a sore in the same spot. I aquired it in a nursing home about 6 years ago and after I changed homes (because they would've surely killed me) I went to another one which helped it get almost closed but never could get it to completely close and I left there with it and tried for almost 2 years to heal it with everything you could imagine with no luck. It was very small, about the size of a dime and I finally said just put a small bandage over it and change it daily. It never closed but healed like a tiny belly button above my butt(looks like my torso has 2, 1 on each  side) and I never have any problems with it now it's just a small hole.

-------Original Message-------
Date: 06/25/06 14:22:16
To: quad
Hello everyone,
     My name is Gayle, I am a c-5/c-6 quad, 8yrss. post. I have been lurking on the quad-list for several years now. I have only posted maybe two times, so Iam realitivly new to the list. It is hard for me to type, but good excercise for my arms. I  am fighting a sore in the crack of my butt. It has been there for 3yrs. now. The wound doctor at Shepherd Center say that it is not from pressure. I think it started when I was pulled across the bed with a draw sheet to turn me on my side. I believe the movement from my bowel program(DIGITAL STEM) causes it to stay open. I and my husband are so frustrated with it. We have tried everything. I don't consider surgery a option, because I do not handle being put to sleep well. Now after reading Stacy's post I am truly scared.
    I did my rehab at SHEPHED CENTER. It is a geat place. I have a baclophen pump that has made my life so much better. My husband is my caregiver. The company he worked for moved to Germany 2yrs. ago and he stays home with me. I was injured in a car arash, caused by a uninsured drunk driver. On impact my seatbelt broke and my airbag deployed breaking my neck at c2. I was paralyzed by a bleed in my spinal cord. I sued the car company and won a very large amount, which really helps with all the expenses of being a quad. My arm is tired so I must go for now, but I will be back!
(48yrs. old)

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