Your message came through fine Alan!  It looks like we have a couple of new members almost at the same time -- Angie and Alan.  Hmmmm .... a possible romance?  big age difference but these days age covers a broad spectrum.  My husband is 15 1/2 years older than I am and I am sure glad that he is [as far as intellect, love, and company].
If you read my welcome to Angie then you will know my history.
This is a great list to be on and I prefer it over other lists.  But I am on one other list called the SCIC [Spinal Cord Injury Caregivers] that you might also want to join for a couple of reasons.  There are several people on that list who are in Florida and they talk about Florida a lot.  So you might get more answers about caregivers by participating in that list as well.
You have to be "okay'd" by the owner of that list but unless there is some wild and wacky reason for someone to be turned down ... people are welcome.  For information and how to subscribe go to
Marie Potts is the list owner and it is PRIMARILY for caregivers but there are several quads on the list as well.  I hope that the above address is the correct one but it is is not ... I'm sure someone will correct me [like Dave Kelmer hopefully ;-) ]
We have had many discussions on who is the oldest quads living these days so you sound like you are right up there with one other gentlemen that is on this list.
Welcome again!

Lori C4/5 Complete, 26 years post

Tucson, AZ

AGE - 41

-------Original Message-------
Date: 7/2/2006 3:50:15 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L]
hello out there .
this is my 1st time e-mailing here and i hope it works.
i have been a quad for 25 years ... it was a diving accident.
i'm an old quad ... 59 years old and live in central, fl.
i need advice in finding an attendant.  my wife wants a life of her own,
so i need to find one.
any help will be deeply appreciated.
alan labarr

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