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July 14, 2006
Dear Fellow Advocate,
Summer is sizzling on the legislative front in Washington. Read the latest news on SCREA and CRPA, then get ready to TAKE ACTION on your own behalf.

Washington is buzzing with news of the scheduled vote on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, MD (R-Tenn.) just announced that the package of stem cell bills will be considered on Monday, July 17, with all action taken by Tuesday, July 18.

This is a watershed moment for the future of regenerative medicine. Don't let the threat of President Bush's veto deter you from taking action. The will of the American people must be heard (over 70% support embryonic stem cell research).

Phone, fax, and e-mail your Senators from now through Tuesday and urge them to vote "yes" on HR 810 (also known as S 471). To send a form letter e-mail, visit here. To phone, fax, or send a personalized e-mail, visit here for contact info on your Senator.

There is still hope that the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Act will be brought up for a vote during this session of Congress. You can help make that happen by continuing to communicate with your legislators and asking them to cosponsor the bill. Just this past week we heard from Todd Phillips of New York, who finally got Sen. Charles Schumer to sign on as a co-sponsor. In Todd's words, "Thanks for your advice in following-up. Between you and Bob Mulcahy telling me to keep at it . . . really paid off. It did take a while but you were right. PERSISTENCE!" Passage of the CRPA will help set the stage for a human clinical trial network as science progresses toward curative therapies.

Meet with Your Legislators during August Recess
Also known as the "Summer District Work Period", this is an opportune time to meet with your legislators without having to travel to Washington. NOW is the time to call and schedule an appointment, as many will also take vacations during this recess. If the SCREA passes and Bush vetoes, this may be a critical time to talk with your Senator or Representative about overriding the veto. If you couldn't attend Working 2 Walk (or even if you did), take this opportunity to visit your legislator and continue the push for CRPA. The House is scheduled to adjourn July 31 and the Senate on August 7, and will not reconvene until after Labor Day. Let's make sure this truly is a "Work Period" for those who represent us in Washington. You can find phone numbers for your local district office here.

Stem Cell Policy Summit
U2FP's Marilyn Smith and Bob Mulcahy attended the recent Stem Cell Policy and Advocacy Summit hosted by the Genetics Policy Institute. An outstanding lineup of speakers presented a wealth of information that we are still digesting. We did a lot of brainstorming with advocates from other patient groups (Parkinson's, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.) about strategies and unification opportunities in the ongoing effort to push science forward. You will see the fruit of these workshops in the coming months, and can read Marilyn's notes on the advocacy sessions here.

Unite 2 Fight Paralysis is a 501c3 organization dedicated to improving the present and future lives of all those afflicted with neurological disorders. To learn more about our activities, visit our website. To contact us directly, send us an email.


U2FP is proud to welcome Bob Mulcahy to our Leadership Team. Bob has been a steady and persistent advocate in the cure effort for the last several years. He has worked closely with the Christopher Reeve Foundation and other organizations in the Northeast corridor, speaking with scientists, businesses and politicans about the need and potential for curative therapies. Bob is a pro-active "doer" who understands that the patient population must take the lead if we are to reach our goal.
Congratulations to our two most recent Advocates of the Month, Joe White (June) and Sabrina Cohen (July). Sabrina is currently featured on the U2FP home page, while you can read about Joe and other previous Advocate honorees here.
July 2006

June 2006


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